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General Race Predictor
Enter just 2 previous race performances that reflect your current ability and we will predict a 3rd performance of your choice.

Simplified Race Predictor
By entering one race performance and estimating your endurance level, a table of your projected times for common races will appear.
*You can either calculate your "endurance score" using the calculator above or estimate it using the included guide.

Guide to the Endurance Scale

The higher the number, the better your endurance. If you focus on training for longer races and have a history of doing higher mileage, your score will be higher. If you're a newer runner, don't do much mileage, focus on speed work, or naturally have a higher proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibers, your score will be lower. For instance, a 4:50 miler with a score of 10 (probably a 400/800 runner without a mileage background) would run about a 2:01 800 and 11:12 2-mile, whereas a 4:50 miler with a score of 80 (probably an older runner focusing on road races) would run a 2:15 800 and 10:16 2-mile. This endurance score uses a simple algorithm and general rule of thumb, so it naturally has its limitations. The further you deviate from your original race distance, the less accurate it is likely to be. Here are some examples of what different athletes with different endurance scores may look like, but use them only as a guide and not a perfect match.

Score = 0

Endurance is near nonexistent and fast sprint marks don't at all translate to longer races (as is with most sprinters).

 e.g run a 50s 400m & 2:05 800m

Score = 25

Very low endurance. Newer runner without a mileage background or a middle distance runner who does minimal mileage.

e.g 2:00 800m & 4:40 mile

Score = 50

Endurance is okay/decent. You have some mileage background. Could be a newer runner but more endurance-based or a middle distance runner who can somewhat hold his own in longer races.

 e.g 5:00 mile & 11:00 2-mile

Score = 75

Very good endurance from someone with a high-mileage background. Could be someone who's mostly slow-twitch but hasn't maximized their potential yet or an elite 800/1500 type runner who's done a lot of mileage before.

e.g 9:00 2-mile & 14:30 5k

Score = 100

World class endurance, basically Kipchoge.

e.g 13:00 5k & 27:00 10k 

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